An abstract is simply a short summary of your research paper. After following the guidelines of writing it, the readers will want to read the rest of the paper and thus, it is crucial that you familiarize yourself with the basics. A well-written abstract example will assist you in this process.
- Basics of Writing an Abstract
There are four basic elements of an abstract. First, a researcher should offer the problem statement or the motivation behind writing a paper. Here, they should outline the reasons why they readers should care about their work. Second, the researcher should give the methods and procedures that they will use to get the results. Third, the results or the findings are offered. At this point, a researcher will offer details of what they invented or learned after their survey. Fourth, the implications or conclusions are offered, where the larger implications of the results are offered.
Notably, an abstract is written after completing the research paper. Otherwise, it can be difficult to fill in some parts such as the results, and conclusion. It is also worth noting that the section should not be lengthy. In most instances, an abstract should have at a maximum of 300 words. However, in some of the lengthy projects, the section can be slightly longer.
- Where to Find Examples
Viewing an abstract example will help you understand the concept better. You also have a chance to compare different approaches by writers. In this regard, there are various places where you can find such examples. Foremost, you can request professional writers to offer you the examples. In fact, at a small fee, you will not only view it, but they would also be willing to write an actual abstract for your project. Further still, there are various websites where you can find such examples if you like the sample but don't know how to write your own paper. You may, however, want to investigate whether such sites are credible so that you can get accurate information.
In addition, going through academic journals will offer you perfect examples of an abstract. The best thing about such an option is that besides being to compare how different professionals write their papers, you will also have a chance to find an abstract from your specific field of study. School mates and other students can also share such information on social media platforms.
- Bottom Line
Clearly, there are many places where you can find abstract examples for your research paper. Find options that are suitable for you and most importantly, find out whether your tutors have specific instructions for the section before you start writing it.